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What should you pay attention to when choosing a roof covering?

Currently, various types of roofing materials are offered in the construction market of Azerbaijan. This, in turn, creates difficulties in the choice. We hope that this article will help consumers in their choice. First of all, we should note that when choosing a roof covering, we should choose such material that we will not think about it for at least 10 years after installation. Let’s take a quick look at what to look for when choosing roof coverings. There are several types of roofing materials: • Metal roofing. This option has several forms – metal tile, profiled and joint layering. Metal roofing is easy and inexpensive to install. However, underneath that roofing material, you need a strong wooden structure and a solid foundation. Additional elements do not increase the price. Such roof coverings are resistant to temperature rise and fall during use. Such roofs are also considered clean roofs. Moss does not form on it.

Metal roof coverings themselves are divided into two groups: – Black metal, – Non-ferrous metals, Roof coverings belonging to ferrous metals are covered with a color layer. Manufacturers guarantee such roof coverings for 10-15 years. However, considering the rate of rusting and corrosion of ferrous metals, such roof coverings can fail quite quickly. Examples of non-ferrous metals include copper, aluminum and zinc roofing. Copper roofs can be considered the best roofs due to their quality. Copper roofing does not need to be cleaned and protected from external influences. This is especially suitable for inaccessible and dangerous areas. Another feature of copper roofing is that it changes color over time. If the roof is golden on the first day, after a few days the roof reacts with the weather and naturally turns brown. After many years, the color changes and becomes green. Also, if you want your roofing to be permanently golden, there are options for that as well. Varnished copper roofing does not lose its golden color over the years. Aluminum and zinc roof coverings are also in the forefront due to their quality. Aluminum stands out because it is cheaper than copper and zinc.

If you want your building to remain beautiful for a hundred years, it is recommended to use roof coverings made of non-ferrous material. • Soft (bitumen) roof coverings. These roof coverings are available in various shapes, colors and shades. This material absorbs dust. It is not resistant to high temperature. Temperature changes damage bitumen roof coverings. These roof coverings are not resistant to mechanical effects (hail, birds, rain, snow). Wooden boards must be laid under these roofs, which increases the price a bit. • Natural tile (ceramic). Tiles are among the most expensive roof coverings. Tile roofing comes to Azerbaijan mainly from Turkey and European countries. Over time, the surface of the tile is covered with a layer of dust and becomes mossy. Although it is resistant to temperature changes, it is resistant to mechanical effects.

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