We carry out all types of
construction works with
high professionalism

We are one of the leading companies in the construction industry. We are trying to develop the sector


We are preparing the project


We implement

With you since 1995

We are at your service with a team of professionals.

Construction of apartments

Bridge construction

Gas stations

Tunnel construction

Construction of shopping centers

Road and pavement works

Industrial constructions

High tonnage construction works

Construction of administrative buildings

All kinds of construction work

Construction of apartments

Gas stations

Bridge construction

Tunnel construction

Construction of shopping centers

Industrial constructions

Road and pavement works

High tonnage construction works

Construction of administrative buildings

All kinds of construction work


A different view of the construction sector

We are constantly following the latest innovations in the construction industry. We apply the latest innovations in our work

About us

Who are we?

Sezgin İnşaat is a company with extensive experience in the construction sector. We perform our work at a high level thanks to our professional team and modern technologies. Customer satisfaction is important to us, and we ensure quality in every project. Our company successfully operates in the construction of residential buildings, shopping centers, and industrial facilities.

our projects

Finished projects


Ongoing projects

Why us?

Nascetur quis lectus rutrum inceptos natoque at eleifend nam magnis, morbi fames metus a tempus odio vestibulum ad, sapien penatibus interdum lobortis.

Affordable prices

High professionalism

Technological solutions

We in the press

We in the media

Our partners